
Primem has a competent team strong in technology and management, consisting of a number of technical experts/professionals with at least 18 years of experiences in the membrane manufacturing industry.

Dr Jiang JP, Ph.D. in Flavor Chemistry

Dr Jiang obtained his Ph.D. in UK and Postdoc experience in Canada. He has nearly 20 years of experiences in membrane manufacturing industry and is currently Primem’s Managing Director.

Mr Yong HK, B. Sci. in Chemistry

Mr Yong has over 30 years of experiences in water technology, membrane applications and business management and is currently Primem’s Senior Advisor.

Mr Long XF, B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering

Mr Long has 18 years of experiences in membrane manufacturing industry and is currently the Senior Manager in charge of Primem’s membrane manufacturing plant.

Ms Luo Z, B. Acy. In Accounting

With 18 years of experiences in industrial accounting, Ms Luo is currently Primem’s Senior Accountant and also concurrently in charge of HR and Administration.

Mr Peng JX, Diploma in M & E

Mr Peng has 18 years of hands-on experiences in membrane manufacturing industry and is currently Primem’s Senior Technical & Facility Officer.